John James Dougherty
Ph.D., Native American Studies, UC Berkeley
Email: jdougherty@sfsu.edu
At SF State since:
Fall 2019
- PhD, Ethnic Studies, University of California-Berkeley
- MA, Ethnic Studies, University of California-Berkeley
- BA, Anthropology, Portland State University
Courses Taught:
- American Indian Studies 150: American Indian History in the United States
- American Indian Studies 205: American Indians and US Laws
- American Indian Studies 520: American Indian Ecology
- Ethnic Studies 300GW: Writing in Ethnic Studies
Research interests:
indigenous histories, environmental justice, federal Indian policy, race and indigeneity, North American West
Dougherty, John J. “Talk the Language of the Larger World: Fishing Wars, Natural Resources, and the Birth of the Sovereignty Movement in the Postwar Pacific Northwest.” Western Legal History (2014).
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for the American West, Stanford University
- Afffiliated Faculty, Center for Research on Native American Issues, UC Berkeley
- Affiliated Scholar, Institute for the Study of Social Issues, UC Berkeley
- Affiliated Scholar, Center for Race and Gender, UC Berkeley
- University of California Dissertation Fellowship, UC Berkeley
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, UC Berkeley